The SDGs marked by United Nations, the weak spot of Spanish companies


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by UNO back in 2015 are the guide to guarantee a more sustainable planet within a decade. 17 points that focus on the protection of the Earth, the end of poverty and the reach of equality. Despite the fact that these goals are set to be fulfilled in 2030, many people still don’t know about them.

Companies have a lot of work to do with SDGs

It’s especially worrying to see the unawareness companies have in general. A recent inform carried out by Infojobs points out how only a 13% of Spanish companies have properly integrated SDGs. In fact, one in every three of them aren’t even familiar with them. Something that affects especially those business with less than 50 employees; only a 29% of those surveyed within this kind of companies have a proper knowledge about Sustainable Development Goals.

Precisely, both companies and governments share the biggest responsibility when it comes to changing the current situation and getting close to what Agenda 2030 marks. The pandemic has decreased the expected progress for Spain in terms of SDGs, since equality and employment indexes haven’t fulfilled the planned objectives.

New Tandem compromises with developing labors that build a better society. For that to happen, having a healthy, habitable place for the following generations is the key. It’s crucial to remember that, as of today, there is no planet B.

Spain, among the 20 best valued countries regarding SDGs

The latest Spanish Youth Inform, elaborated by INUVE, indicates that the 76% of youngsters between 14 and 29 years of age in Spain are worried about environment and air pollution levels. Actually, a 47% considers that climate change is the biggest problem Spain has to face.

Even though there’s still work to do, our country occupies the 20th position in the Sustainable Development Inform 2021, carried out by Sustainable Development Solutions Network. A study that ranks 165 nations according to their fulfillment regarding SDGs.

With 79.5 points out of 100, Spain has climbed some positions this year, despite failing in SDG 15, related with the protection of terrestrial ecosystems. Finland, Sweden and Denmark are the leaders of this world ranking.

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