An International LGBT Pride Day full of hope, celebrations and vindications
For more than five decades, each June 28 the International LGBT Pride Day is celebrated worldwide. The beginning of this celebration is the year 1969, when the Stonewall bar, located in New York, became a symbol for the defense of the collective’s rights. The very next year, when vindications extended to the West Coast, the International LGBT Pride Day started to spread all over the world.
Hope and vindication for the future; celebration for what has been accomplished
During this week, we want to be part of these demands, in favor of a fairer, more equal society. Where diversity is celebrated and inclusion is global and effective; where nobody feels judged, discriminated or attacked for their sexual orientation or gender identity. A society that guarantees the same actual rights for everyone.
This is also a week for celebration. Because, even though there are many objectives to achieve yet, there are already reasons to look to the future with hope. Spain became the third country in the world, back in 2005 and after The Netherlands and Belgium, to pass same sex marriage laws. The latest reports about acceptance of LGBT rights per country, confirm that Spain is one of the most tolerant and respectful nations in the world. Both when it comes to sexual orientation and gender identity.
Nevertheless, there is still much to do. It’s a shame that a small percentage of the population still attacks and discriminates LGBT people; just for being who they are. That’s one of the main reasons why this day and week are so important. We shouldn’t forget what happens across our borders either. In 2021, there are still 70 countries which consider homosexuality illegal, in one way or another. More than 10 of those can even apply death penalty in some cases.
New Tandem wishes everyone a happy LGBT Pride week
At New Tandem, we wish everyone in the LGBT collective to fully enjoy this week of celebrations and demands for respect towards lesbian, gay, trans and bisexual people. Respect, in the end, for human rights. Let’s keep opting for tolerance, respect and diversity. Happy Pride!
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